
Anaphylaxis Guidelines

Healthy Food Policy

Homework Policy

Computer and Internet Policy

Connecting to the Internet requires a high level of awareness and responsibility; therefore, students will be required to sign a contract undertaking compliance with the school code of conduct.

The contract will be sent home for parents’ perusal at the beginning of Term 1.

Online safety and protocols are taught specifically as part of the Digital Technologies curriculum in addition to other learning areas where internet access is included.

Positive Behaviour Policy

The positive approach to behaviour management and inclusivity involves the following practices:

  1. Creating learning programs that are dynamic, meaningful, ensure success and are challenging – This includes differentiating curriculum planning to cater for individuals (this is the foundation of the inclusivity concept)
  2. Treating all students with respect and kindness
  3. Focus on learning attitudes and approaches
  4. Implementing positive reinforcement, certificates and prizes for exemplary practice in both social and learning behaviour, including a whole school celebration
  5. Enabling students to see themselves as learners
    Based on the above, the following school rules for Jerdacuttup Primary School have been formulated:
  • Be KIND to people, feelings and our environment
  • Be CONSIDERATE of others
  • Be COURTEOUS and use your best manners
  • Be CARING of people, animals, school buildings and property
  • Be CAREFUL, stay in school boundaries and watch out for danger
  • Be COMMITTED to do your best work
  • Be FRIENDLY to people you meet
  • Be HONEST and tell the truth to your friends, teachers and parents
  • Be RESPECTFUL in actions and words.

Behaviour Management Policy

Sun Protection Policy

Jerdacuttup School has adopted a sun protection policy approved by the Cancer Council of WA. Parents have an important role to play and we ask you to:

  • Provide clothing that provides adequate protection from UV radiation including collars
    and sleeves, closely woven fabric, natural fibre and rash tops for swimming
  • Act as positive role models for their children
  • Support the school’s sun protection policy and its periodic review.

Sun Protection Policy