Excursions and Incursions

Throughout the year, at times decided by staff the school undertakes excursions and incursions to various locations in and around the area. Parents and caregivers are given at least one weeks’ notice for any incursion/excursion, and consent forms are sent out. Students enjoy and learn a great deal from these events, they are an essential part of their learning.

We also regularly attend events at nearby primary schools, so students get to interact with other students in a larger setting. Examples of some of our recent incursions/excursions have been.


Swimming lessons – Hopetoun Beach (5 Days)
Athletics carnival – Hopetoun
Cross-Country Carnival – Hopetoun
Jerramungup camp
Bicycle Education – Munglinup
Esperance school photos & historic walk
Ravensthorpe Museum


Fitzgerald Biosphere
Police visit
Dental students visit
Zones of Regulation Workshops