Healthy Eating

The school participates in the Cancer Council’s Crunch ’N Sip™ program. Children are asked to bring two pieces of
fruit/vegetables prepared and in a sealed container every day and to have a water bottle replenished from home each day to sip on during class.

Water bottles must be clearly labelled with your child’s name and return home each day to be washed and refilled with water only. As the school experiences periodic power outages, students having their own water bottle always ensures them a drink.

Lunch at School

Our students will eat their lunch on the picnic benches under supervision. On wet days students will eat inside. Students remain seated until their lunch is completed, and an adult gives permission to leave. Children may bring hot food in a thermos.

Canteen (Tuck Shop)

A P&C Tuck shop will be held at school when the program allows it. The day of the Tuck shop varies throughout the year but is generally set at the beginning of each term. More about the Tuck shop:

  • Parents are advised of the days via ClassDojo.
  • Cost is $5.00 per child.
  • In cash for students’ real-life maths; counting money and accounting.
  • The Tuck shop is to be paid each Tuck shop day to encourage children to handle and
    understand cash money.
  • The Tuck-shop menu varies. The coordinator designs a menu with the children who then help to prepare the food. The
    P&C has agreed to pay for the ingredients.
  • Tuck-shop is not compulsory but is encouraged. Students help prepare the food which lets them experience new tastes and food.